An Unmarked Festival
There’s a feast, undated, yet
   Both our true lives hold it fast,—
Even the day when first we met.
   What a great day came and passed,
   —Unknown then, but known at last.
And we met: You knew not me,
   Mistress of your joys and fears;
Held my hand that held the key
   Of the treasure of your years,
   Of the fountain of your tears.
And we met: You knew not me,
   Mistress of your joys and fears;
Held my hand that held the key
   Of the treasure of your years,
   Of the fountain of your tears.
Day of days! Unmarked it rose,
   In whose hours we were to meet;
And forgotten passed. Who knows,
   Was earth cold or sunny, Sweet,
   At the coming of your feet?
One mere day, we thought; the measure
   Of such days the year fulfils.
Now, how dearly would we treasure
   Something from its fields, its rills,
   And its memorable hills.

Webpage © 2001 ELC
Lane Core Jr. (
Created April 11, 2001; not revised.